Is technology changing the way we read

Is technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we read
Is technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we read
Is technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we readIs technology changing the way we read